About Me

  • Full Name:Adam Chaudhry
  • Phone:+92 331 487 4251
  • Email:hello@adamch.info
  • Address:198 West 21th Street, Suite 721 New York NY 10016

Hello There!

As a software engineer, I am skilled in designing, developing, and maintaining complex software systems. My expertise includes proficiency in various programming languages, software development methodologies, and tools. I possess a strong ability to analyze user requirements and translate them into technical solutions that align with business objectives. I am a team player who is committed to delivering high-quality code, ensuring project success, and continuously improving processes.

Throughout my career, I have worked on numerous projects using React, Redux, and WebPack building responsive and scalable web applications. In addition, I have experience with Monorepo, Node.js and its popular framework, Express js, Serverless js as well as databases like Mongodb and MySql, which I have used to build high-performance and reliable backend systems.

Furthermore, I have hands-on experience working with AWS services such as Lambda functions, Cloudwatch events, EC2, SQS, SNS, and CloudFront, which enable me to create high-quality, scalable, and secure applications.

My experience also includes working with Google APIs such as Map, Cloud Messages, Calendar, and Auth2 to integrate Google's services into different applications.

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Staff Software Engineer

    10 Pearls - 2023 - Current

    I am responsible for developing the client-side of the application using React.js and Next.js.

    Additionally, I have contributed to the development of a Nodejs microservice using the Serverless.js framework.

  • Senior Software Engineer

    10 Pearls - 2021 - 2023

    Working at 10Pearls, my technical skills include proficiency in React, Next, webpack, Nodejs, Serverless, AWS Lambda functions, CloudFront and SQS.

  • Software Engineer

    Qbatch - 2019 - 2021

    As a full-stack developer at Qbatch, I worked on multiple web applications. I am responsible for developing the client-side and server-side of the applications using React.js, Expressjs and mongodb.

    Working at Qbatch, My technical skills include proficiency in React, Nodejs Express, Mongodb, Serverless, AWS Lambda functions and SQS.

  • Software Engineer

    Arham Soft - July - November 2019

    As a full-stack developer at ArhamSoft, I worked on a web application. I am responsible for developing the client-side and server-side of the application using React.js, Expressjs and mongodb.

    Working at ArhamSoft, My technical skills include proficiency in React, Nodejs Express and Mongodb

  • Software Engineer

    MindsLab - 2018 - 2019

    As a back-end developer at Mindslab, I built multiple backend applications. My responsibilities are to build Rest apis, create queries to DB, and apply authentication mechanisms. Furthermore I integrated different 3rd party services like google map api’s, payment gateway etc.

    Working at Mindslab, My technical skills include proficiency in Node Js, Express, MySql and Mongodb.

  • Education

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

    University of the Punjab - 2014 - 2018

Top Skills


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